Dirham to Naira Black Market Rate - UAE currency to Naira
UAE Dirham to Naira Rate with Currency Converter
Dirham (AED) to NGN Compared to Other Currencies
Conversion | Black Market Rate in Naira |
Dirham to Naira | |
Australian Dollar to Naira | |
US Dollar to Naira | |
Pound to Naira | |
Euro to Naira | |
Canadian Dollar to Naira | |
Rand to Naira | |
Yuan to Naira | |
Cedi to Naira | |
XOF to Naira | |
XAF to Naira |
Dirham to Naira Currency Conversion Table
Popular Conversions
Q: Does Aboki Forex Trade (Exchange) Currencies?
A: No, we do not trade any currency pair.
Q: How can I Exchange Currency?
A: Contact your local market or bank.
Q: Are the Black Market Rates accurate in all Markets?
A: No, we try to provide the average rates in the local markets. Since the market is not regulated prices will vary.
Q: What is the difference between CBN, I&E and Black Market Rates?
A: The CBN rates are now the same with the I&E rates. The Black Market Rates differs.