Australia currency to Naira - Aussie to Naira Today

How much is Aussie to Naira?

1 Australian Dollar (AUD) to Naira Black Market Rate Today - is Naira

Today, the Naira Black Market exchange rate for 1 Australian Dollar (AUD) is Naira. This means that you can get Naira for every 1 Aussie Dollar that you exchange in the Black Market (Parallel Market). The Black Market Exchange rate is typically higher than the official exchange rate because it is not regulated by the government.

What Factors Affect the Australian Dollar to Naira Black Market Exchange Rate?

There are a number of factors that can affect the Aussie Black Market Exchange rate, including:

  • Supply and demand for the Aussie Dollar
  • The political and economic situation in Australia and Nigeria
  • The value of the US dollar

How to find a Reputable Aussie Black Market Exchange Dealer?

If you are looking to exchange AUD for Naira, it is important to find a reputable dealer. You can find AUD to NGN black market dealers online or in person. However, it is important to be careful when exchanging currency on the Naira Black Market, as there is a risk of being scammed.

Tips for Exchanging Aussie for Naira on the Black Market

  • Only exchange Aussie (AUD) with reputable dealers.
  • Ask for a written receipt for the exchange.
  • Be aware of the current Aussie to Naira Black Market Exchange rate before you exchange your currency.
  • Do not exchange large amounts of Aussie currency at once.

Black Market Rates
Dollar to Naira rate
naira to dollar
dollar to naira
pound to dollar
Pound to Naira rate
dollar to pound
dollar to yen
pound to euro
Euro to Naira rate
euro to pound
dollar to euro
dollar to euro
Canadian Dollar to Naira rate
canadian dollar to euro
dollar to canadian dollar
dollar to rand
South African Rand to Naira rate
Rand to dollar
zar to dollar
yuan to dollar
UAE Dirham to Naira rate
dirham aed to dollar
dollar to yuan
dirham to dollar
Chinese Yuan to Naira rate
yuan to euro
euro to dirham
pound to yuan
Ghanaian Cedi to Naira rate
Ghanaian cedi to dollar
dollar to cedi
pound to yuan
West African CFA franc to Naira rate
xof to dollar
dollar to xof
dollar to xaf
Central African CFA franc to Naira rate
xaf to dollar
dollar to xaf
euro to xaf
Australian Dollar (Aussie) to Naira rate
aussie to dollar
aussie to naira
austrailian dollar to naira

Aussie Dollar to Naira Black Market Currency Converter


Convert Australian Dollar (Aussie) to Naira rate in the Black Market?

Here you can easily convert the Aussie (Australian Dollar) to Nigerian Naira with the Black Market Rates

Also you can convert the Nigerian Naira to Australian Dollar (Aussie) Currency with this currency converter

Australian Dollar to Naira Currency Conversion Table
Amount in Australian Dollar (AUD) Black Market Aussie to Naira
1 Aussie Dollar to Naira
5 Aussie Dollar to Naira
10 Aussie Dollar to Naira
20 Aussie Dollar to Naira
50 Aussie Dollar to Naira
100 Aussie Dollar to Naira
200 Aussie Dollar to Naira
300 Aussie Dollar to Naira
400 Aussie Dollar to Naira
500 Aussie Dollar to Naira
600 Aussie Dollar to Naira
800 Aussie Dollar to Naira
1000 Aussie Dollar to Naira
5000 Aussie Dollar to Naira
10000 Aussie Dollar to Naira
Naira to Australian Dollar Currency Conversion Table
Amount in Naira Black Market Rate in Australian Dollar (AUD)
1 Naira to Australian Dollar (AUD)
5 Naira to Australian Dollar (AUD)
10 Naira to Australian Dollar (AUD)
20 Naira to Australian Dollar (AUD)
50 Naira to Australian Dollar (AUD)
100 Naira to Australian Dollar (AUD)
200 Naira to Australian Dollar (AUD)
300 Naira to Australian Dollar (AUD)
400 Naira to Australian Dollar (AUD)
500 Naira to Australian Dollar (AUD)
600 Naira to Australian Dollar (AUD)
800 Naira to Australian Dollar (AUD)
1000 Naira to Australian Dollar (AUD)
5000 Naira to Australian Dollar (AUD)
10000 Naira to Australian Dollar (AUD)
Q: Does Aboki Forex Trade (Exchange) Currencies?
A: No, we do not trade any currency pair.
Q: How can I Exchange Currency?
A: Contact your local market or bank.
Q: Are the Black Market Rates accurate in all Markets?
A: No, we try to provide the average rates in the local markets. Since the market is not regulated, prices will vary.
Q: What is the difference between CBN, I&E and Black Market Rates?
A: The CBN rates are now the same with the I&E rates. The Black Market Rates differs.